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This experience involved me being a peer leader for the introductory Gateway to Honors class. In this role, I led discussions, went over information on the Honors program, attended leadership and mentoring training, had one on one meetings with every student in the class, and worked closely with a faculty member. I was able to work on communication, public speaking, and leadership skills while also making connections with my students. I was very happy to do this in spring because I got to meet transition students, who were all in different grades, had different majors, and came from different parts of the worlds. My favorite part of this experience was the one on one meetings because I was able to learn all about the diverse backgrounds the students in that class came from. It really opened my eyes and allowed us to connect better. I was also able to give them individualized advice and information on the Honors program. 


I am very happy I was able to help these students, learn from them, and meet my faculty member I was paired up with. I will always keep in mind the lessons I learned and the skills I gained from this experience, especially since it ties so directly with my field of choice. I hope to see these students around campus in the future and be there to help if they ever need it.


To showcase this experience I decided to attack the final survey they had to complete. I was able to help several students so that made me feel very accomplished

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